Bright Web Apps

Hi! We're Bright Web Apps
Full Stack Developers

If you need a full stack web application, or a performant web site we can build it for you!

A few of our sites.

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A bit about us.

We are . . .



Richard started coding back in the 90's writing Windows client/server business applications using Borland Delphi. Since then, Richard has always had a focus on writing fast and solid applications and favours the fast full-stack web framework SvelteKit for building modern web applications. He also enjoys DevOps


a product design & UX fanatic

We carefully craft and designing amazing user experiences, with a focus on speed and a mobile first approach.


excellent communicators

Communication is key and it's a paramount value of ours. We believe in transparency and constructive communication above all else. This helps us develop deep relationships and ensures our effectiveness and productivity in any work space with any team.